01746 710 069 or 07812 198 175info@greenacreinnovations.com

Sub-Shoring System

Greenacre Innovations have developed a new and unique concept of cemetery safety by pre-installing a below ground interlocking modular shoring system that will completely eliminate grave subsidence or collapse by structurally supporting and retaining all loose and unstable ground surrounding open graves, thus providing a safety measure to both your staff and the public alike.




The site is first excavated to the pre-determined size and depth. The modular shoring system is assembled and all excavated spoil is backfilled into the modular shoring chambers, compacted and finished to any existing ground level.

The modular shoring system can be assembled to an elevated level if necessary before backfilling.

Additional modular chambers can easily be added on to the system through its interlocking design.

Upon the re-opening of any modular grave chamber, structural retaining side and end walls will prevent any cave-in or collapse of the grave prior, during or after any interment.


  • The modular shoring system can be custom built to any specified individual modular size.
  • The modular shoring system can be custom assembled to any specified depth.
  • Concrete foundations may be added or included for headstones in line with traditional practices.

Interested in our Systems?

For more information, please do not hesitate to make contact by telephone UK Mainland: 01746 710 069 or 07812 198 175 Northern Ireland: 02891 272 904 or 07802 414 985 or via email info@greenacreinnovations.com.